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| Townshend über eine mögliche "Quadrophenia" Tour 2012 by | von Don (2011-11-13 13:31:27) reply | antworten
If Pete Townshend has his way, The Who will be back on the road next winter to play its 1973 rock opera "Quadrophenia." Townshend, who curated the new "Quadrophenia -- The Director's Cut" box set that comes out November 15, tells The Insider that he's keen to recreate the production that he, Roger Daltrey and the late John Entwistle presented during 1996-97, with a larger band and guests such as Gary Glitter, Billy Idol and P.J. Proby. "I think the music comes across beautifully," says Townshend, adding that at the moment he's having to push a somewhat reluctant Daltrey into committing to the trek. "I know that Roger wants to make a few changes to the way it's presented and some of the film images we use, but I'm very happy with the way it is," Townshend says. "I think the music comes across beautifully. So I've kind of been waiting patiently...This is a role reversal because usually Roger is the one who wants to go on tour and I'm the one who's like, 'Hey, hold up. I've got this to write and this to do...' I'm usually the one that is being nagged, and it's been the other way around. I've been nagging Roger now for quite a time to get this show out, and it looks like now we will probably tour in the winter of 2012. That's the soonest it's gonna happen, but I'm looking forward to it." Townshend says the Who's manager, Bill Curbishley, is also working on a sequel to the 1979 "Quadrophenia" film. Townshend is also finishing work on a new musical, "Floss," and on his autobiography, "Who He?," that's due out next year.
- Townshend über eine mögliche "Quadrophenia" Tour 2012
von | by Don (2011-11-13 13:50:02) reply | antworten
noch etwas genaueres zu "Floss" (hoffentlich erscheint das Album noch) und seiner Autobiographie:
Townshend continues to work on two major creative projects. He says the musical "Floss" is "hanging on a nail at the moment. Nobody has heard anything yet except my music publisher...and I was very gratified to hear later that he went and told his buddies that it was a masterpiece in the making." Townshend plans to pick it up again after March, when he's scheduled to finish his memoir, "Who He?"
"I'm enjoying writing this book," Townshend says. "I'm surrounded by boxes full of press clippings and diaries and letters and photos and all kinds of stuff, and it's kind of fun. At some times I find it quite hard. Writing the book is a cathartic process, but it's also something that takes me back to crazier times. Sometimes I just have to sit and just kind of let myself off the hook and say, 'Listen, everybody knows this stuff. All I'm doing is giving my point of view.' But I'm halfway through and I'm getting good reactions from my editor and I'm really enjoying it."
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