The Who Fan Forum


The Who Fan Forum
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John Entwistle Biographie    by | von  Friedhelm   (2019-06-28 20:46:54) reply | antworten
Im März 2020 wird endlich die offizielle John Entwistle-Biographie erscheinen, geschrieben von
Paul Rees. Hoffentlich gibt es auch eine deutsche Ausgabe.
Im Vorgriff darauf hier ein Hinweis auf einen wunderbaren Blog-Text von Chris Charlesworth
aus Anlass von Johns Todestag am 27.6.2002 (mein Gott, wie lange ist das schon her):

  • John Entwistle Biographie    von | by  marina   (2019-06-29 21:28:44) reply | antworten
    the biography of ox get out in october 8 2019 flexible and october 10 2019 book hard, not in 2020. you have missing the book of Pete Townshend the age of anxient is a novel, get out in november 5 2019. Can you take in this link the 2 books, you can see the 2 books in amaxon, please
    there are 2 link of amazon

    • John Entwistle Biographie    von | by  Friedhelm   (2019-06-29 22:16:06) reply | antworten
      This is wrong. The Entwistle biography was originally scheduled for an october release, but says it will be available March 5, 2020. I am a member of the official fan community
      on The Who's website, and there March 5, 2020 has been confirmed. The people who run that
      community have direct access to The Who camp.
      I did not want to write about Pete's book. This is another story.

      • John Entwistle Biographie    von | by  marina   (2019-06-30 11:24:17) reply | antworten
        yes, you are right for the book of john the ox it'wil get out in march 2020, j have seen the other amazon, it is so. j wil advese for the day.
        Please can you make the book of Pete Townshend ii is in, get out in november 5 2019, please.thank you for the puntualisation of the os's book

        • John Entwistle Biographie    von | by  Friedhelm   (2019-06-30 12:54:28) reply | antworten
          Dear Marina, I do understand that your English is not perfect. Don't worry about it!
          I suppose that you mean the word punctualness, i.e. the date of the book release will be observed.
          I must admit that Pete's book does not lie close to my heart. Please don't blame me!
          Kind regards from Germany to Italy!
The Who Fan Forum
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