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| The Who kommen nach Italien by | von Manfred (2025-01-30 12:57:17) reply | antworten
Die Pläne für eine Europatournee werden konkreter. Für zwei Konzerte in Italien sind bereits Plakate im
Umlauf: am 20.07. in Padua und am 22.07. in Mailand.
- The Who kommen nach Italien
von | by Björn (2025-01-31 01:38:38) reply | antworten
Das ist schon komisch. Mitten in Rogers Solo Tour. Was hat der Mann mit 81 vor?
- The Who kommen nach Italien
von | by Marina Lolli (2025-02-02 11:43:32) reply | antworten
j'm italian and we don't understand because the who come in Italy for 2 tours, j have seen these dates
suddenly, when the tournèe, must begin the tour in the end of this year in America, now Roger in that
dates do the tournèe in Ingland, j saw this dates in january 30 in other links, j spoke with my friends and
we are displaced, we didn't say because this date, about hour 8pm we have said the dates confirned in Tomorrow a friend of mine and j we will see the tickets for Padua, but we aren't if we cam
go, because we have problem with the back, we will hope to find the seating near the stage, we hope
- The Who kommen nach Italien
von | by Marina Lolli (2025-02-04 08:36:29) reply | antworten
j have taken 2 tickets for me and friend of mine in Padua, there is 8th row front seats and there is
another friend of our near, we are very finally after 2007 j will see the who, wow
- The Who in Italy
von | by Chris (2025-02-06 23:36:41) reply | antworten
2007 ... Marina, have you been at the Verona rain concert in 2007?
- The Who in Italy
von | by Marina Lolli (2025-02-09 08:38:36) reply | antworten
j know j have gone in 1996, there is a possible that it's rain,but hope don't raining, visit with a friend of
mine and her mother because have cousins are 6, and j have another my friend of mine in Conselve
near Padua, and when j have telephoned to her it was rainning. but now j hope that j live in Padua
without rainning. My friend of mine and me stay in the 2nd queue part o numers 79 and 80, We see.
- The Who in Italy
von | by Marina Lolli (2025-02-20 09:40:50) reply | antworten
yes j have gone in Verona, it was rain too much and Roger has gone the voice, Pete helped Roger to
sing, it was a disaster, but Roger has resumed the same, but it was rained too much, we are all wet. We
hope now for padua j have seen in 1996 and this town should better, it's rain little.
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