The Who Fan Forum
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| 2 Schweizer und 2 Spanier Daten vermutlich gestrichen...wer weiss mehr ??? by | von GOCE (2006-04-17 17:01:32) reply | antworten
The Who European Tour - Updated
The band have added a few more shows to their 2006 European jaunt. Hers is the complete schedule (as of today), which is likely to be the final list of dates (give or take a show being added) in Europe on this leg of the tour.
JUNE 18 Brighton Centre, England 25 O2 Wireless Festival - Leeds, England 28 Bristol City Football Club, England 30 Werchter Festival - Belgium JULY 2 Hyde Park Calling Festival - London Hyde Park, England 3 Beaulieu Motor Museum - Hampshire, England 5 Liverpool Docks, England 6 Liverpool Docks, England 8 Oxegen Festival, Dublin, Eire 9 T In The Park Festival, Scotland 11 Bonn Museumplatz, Germany 12 Berlin Wuhleide, Germany 15 Sporting Club, Monte Carlo 17 Vienne Theatre Antique (near Lyon), France 18 Metz Amneville Arena, France 22 Lovely Days Festival, St Polten, Austria 23 Cathedral Square, Ulm, Germany 26 Palais St Jordi, Barcelona, Spain 27 Sports Palace, Madrid, Spain
The two extra Spainish shows and Switzerland gigs previously reported were done so erroneously. Sorry for any problems that may have caused.
- 2 Schweizer und 2 Spanier Daten vermutlich gestrichen...wer weiss mehr ???
von | by dino (2006-04-19 09:14:54) reply | antworten
Komische Geschichte. Denn auf der Locarno festival website sind sie immer noch drauf. auch tickets kann man über good news bestellen.Eigenartig!
dino (aus dem hohen norden)
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