The Who Fan Forum


The Who Fan Forum
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The WHO - ULM 23.7.2006!!!    by | von  Marco from Italy   (2006-07-21 12:20:28) reply | antworten
Me and some other who fans from Italy we‘ll be there in Ulm next sunday!!!

I‘ve got some questions for you and I hope you can help me:

Is it true that there are only standing places for the audience in Munsterplatz?

Which is the capacity of the Munsterplatz for the gig?

At what time approximately will they open the gate to the sunday gig?

Will the The Who stay at some Ulm hotel or in the surruondings?

We‘ll arrive in Ulm saturday on the evening...will there be a meeting point pub or club for Who fan in Ulm on saturday night?

Thanks in advance, all you Who fans, see you in Ulm!!!

Long Live Rock!!!


  • The WHO - ULM 23.7.2006!!!    von | by  Harald   (2006-07-21 13:28:07) reply | antworten

    check out the FORUM at the
    website, there are details about the gigs in Germany; maybe some other fans have already posted something about a meeting point in Ulm.

The Who Fan Forum
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