Vinyl Box Setby | vonJo B(2020-11-21 10:18:17)reply | antworten Hi All. Hope someone can help! In the early 80’s is was about 13, I bought
a box set of The Who albums, it had 6 in it and it had a black and white
photograph front. My brother borrowed it and never retuned it, despite
asking. Unfortunately he died but on cleaning out his flat, there was no sign
of it.
It was over 30 years ago, but does anyone know which box set it was? I
would love to replace it. I have searched high and low , but I have never
found it again...
Thanks for reading
Vinyl Box Setvon | byChris(2020-11-22 20:44:26)reply | antworten Hello Jo,
compared to today there wasn't typically the time for box sets in the early 80's and only occasionally boxes were released.
Regarding The Who there was only one box set released in the 80's. It's called Phases and came out in May 1981.
The box contains 9 Who LP's
My Generation
A Quick One
The Who Sell Out
Live At Leeds
Who's Next
The Who By Numbers
Who Are You
and has Polydor 2478144.
Though the box has not really a black and white cover, it has a mono-color photograph.
This was the only Who box which was put out around that time and for years. So this must be definitely the one you're searching.
It's slightly difficult to find one and it's mean value is in the region of 100 Euro.
Vinyl Box Setvon | byFriedhelm(2021-07-01 14:22:42)reply | antworten Hello Jo,
I saw your message just today. I don't now if you own the Who LP Box Set released in
2012 which contains the full classic period of the band from 1965 to 1982. There are 14
discs in it, and it has a beautiful design with a large Who logo on the front of the box.
Unfortunately the last copies of that giant release are available only for prices beginning at
800 $ and more. I don't know If you will and can spend so much money.
I am lucky that I bought it as soon as it came out for only 250 Euro on Amazon. Mine is
still in shrink-wrap and will remain for a long time in the future. I don't intend to sell it, and if
I would I am sure that the offer must begin beyond 1000 $.
So I give you the source in case you are willing to buy this extraordinary box set:
Vinyl Box Setvon | byFriedhelm (2021-07-01 14:45:10)reply | antworten Sorry, because I forgot to mention that this great box contains Endless Wire, too. Adding these two
discs there are14 altogether.
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