The Who Fan Forum


The Who/multiple back issues of Rolling Stone magazine for sale    by | von  Howard Fields ( )  (2016-02-24 03:05:33)
My web based company, Rock Paper, is liquidating it’s stockpile of 10,000+ issues of Rolling Stone
magazine. Within that collection, there are multiple copies of the following issues available at the
indicated prices:

6 copies of Rolling Stone #124; 12/21/72; Keith Moon cover; $10 each
6 copies of Rolling Stone #252; 11/17/77; Peter Townshend cover; $5 each
7 copies of Rolling Stone #275; 10/5/78; The Who cover; $5 each
10 copies of Rolling Stone #309; 1/24/80; Rock And Roll Tragedy In Cincinnati; $5 each
8 copies of Rolling Stone #320; 6/26/80; Peter Townshend cover; $5 each
17 copies of Rolling Stone #372; 6/24/82; Peter Townshend cover; $5 each
10 copies of Rolling Stone #382; 11/11/82; The Who cover; $5 each
6 copies of Rolling Stone #556/557; 7/13-27/89; The Who cover; $5 each

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